Monday, January 19, 2009

Dom & his LEGO creations

Dominic has been fascinated with building blocks since he was a little guy. He started out playing with Mega Blocks Pirate toys. From ages 3-4 years our living room was the caribbean sea full of pirate ships. Now as a six year old, Dom is creating elaborate scenes from Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Batman and building all kinds of cool space ships. We have now been invaded by the Lego brick! It never ceases to amaze me how he is able to follow the directions on a Lego set and put these elaborate things together. I know how difficult these are to build (I used to build them all) and Dom makes it look so easy! Future engineer, architect, artist, creative genius on our hands!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Dominic is soo cute!!!! I love his Lego creations!!! :)