Monday, January 19, 2009

Cannon Beach with Dad

We concluded another memorable visit with Dad with a day trip to Cannon Beach. With cold and windy weather in Hillsboro, we were excited to see that the beach was going to be sunny and not windy! We got there all bundled up expecting a typical cold winter day at the beach and were pleasantly surprised with mild spring like weather. I think the temp was in the 60's which felt quite balmy. There were kids in their swim suits going in the ocean (not mine of course!) and lots of people perfectly comfortable in short sleeves. It was such a nice break from the cold weather we've had in Hillsboro. After enjoying a couple hours playing in the sand we enjoyed a beautiful sunset by Haystack Rock. Dad couldn't remember the last time he watched the sun set at the coast. It was a gorgeous sight to behold. After the beach we had a yummy seafood dinner at Dooger's restaurant and headed home. Eric and his buddy Ricky stayed back to take some of the most beautiful night shots of Cannon Beach I have ever seen. The pictures Eric took are so beautiful with the Milky way, Jupiter and a shooting star visible behind a lit up Haystack rock, absolutely incredible! We're talking need to frame pics that are going to be taken to a nice gallery and sold for top dollar! Once we get them watermarked and sized down I will post a couple.
It's always sad to see Dad go back to Arizona but we had a great visit. Lots of nice lunches, coffee shop outings, board game playing and fun times with the kids. Hopefully we'll all make it down to Arizona this spring. I'm hoping for a nice fat tax refund this year so we can make that happen. Thanks for a great visit Dad, we love you and miss you already!


Julie said...

The pictures from the beach are AMAZING!!!!! I wish we could've been there too.:)

Ross and Dannielle said...

MORE posts. I know that you've been busy with camps, and school outings, and birthdays. . . :)