Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had another memorable Christmas this year! Not only were the remnants of our big snow storm still on the ground (about 6 inches) but we actually had a little snow fall xmas morning. The kids slept till 8 which was a Christmas miracle! Malia came to wake up Eric, Dom and I (Dom crawled in at 3am) and drag us out of bed to the present opening. Dom of course didn't need any dragging.
Santa brought Dom a Lego Star Wars X-wing fighter jet and Malia a Littlest Pet Shop digital pet & planner. They were both really excited about their gifts. The big gift from Eric and I to both of them was Guitar Hero for our xbox. We got the complete band set which is a ton of fun! Eric and I are playing it as much as the kids. What's neat is that I can play the guitar, Dom can do the drums and Malia can sing. It's a super fun thing to do as a family. Dom got some new Lego sets this year and has been working on putting them together today. It amazes me that he is able to follow the directions and assemble these complicated toys by himself. He's definitely mechanically inclined and has told me he wants to design Lego toys when he grows up. :) Malia is into digital games and electronics right now. Eric got her a new mp3 player since he would steal her ipod shuffle all the time. I like the idea of mp3's because we can control the music she's listening to. The radio is so sleazy these days. We had an excellent rib roast with mashed potatoes, dressing & brussel sprouts for dinner with Eric's family, and then went to Kirsten & Gary's for round two which was a delicious roasted chicken with dressing and asparagus. Bettina & Kevin joined us at Kirsten's and we had a great time with lots of laughs. The roads getting around were quite slushy and slippery but we managed to get where we needed to go and have a wonderful time. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I know we sure did.

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